Ποιούς αφορά: Μέλη ΔΕΠ,ΕΔΙΠ, ΕΤΕΠ, ΕΕΠ
Deadline for application: 30 September 2021
Θεματική: “Υγεία”
Download the call and the application form
We welcome proposals for webinars, workshops, summer schools, courses, miniprogrammes, multiple and joint degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD) involving at least 3 CIVIS partner universities.
Submission of application
The proposals should be submitted by e-mail to Prof. Luciano Saso, Coordinator of the Health Hub (luciano.saso@uniroma1.it). Following consultation with the Coordination Team (AMU), and Coordinator of WP4, the proposals will be validated by the Health Hub Council and then approved by the CIVIS Steering Committee. The deadline for this call is 30 September 2021.
Βλ. περισσότερα: https://civis.eu/en/activities/civis-calls/call-for-proposal-for-civis-hub-3-activities-health