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New journal “Glossa Contact (member of the Glossa family of Linguistics Journals)” – Official launch, University of Athens, August 30

The official launch of the new journal Glossa Contact (member of the Glossa family of Linguistics Journals) on Wednesday 30th August 2023 at 1.30pm Athens time (till 2pm) as part of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) Conference in Athens is announced:

Glossa Contact is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal devoted to furthering the understanding of the sources, processes, and effects of language contact, symbiosis, and change in multilingual settings. Articles in Glossa Contact must combine theoretical and empirical perspectives to illuminate synchronic, diachronic, oral, written or signed dimensions of language contact. Submissions may adopt a variety of methodologies – including historical, typological, anthropological, sociolinguistic, philological, experimental, and computational methods – in order to shed light on both the language faculty and language as a social system. Submissions from all subfields and theoretical perspectives are appropriate. The journal particularly welcomes contributions that attempt to cross disciplinary divides, and that present their findings in a way that is accessible to the wide and diverse community of language-contact scholars.

The launch will be streamed live here:


Glossa Contact Co-Editors-in-Chief
Nikolaos Lavidas, Ioanna Sitaridou and Igor Yanovich

Scheduled Events Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

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