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5th Newsletter of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of NKUA (May-June 2024)

The Fourth Newsletter (May-June 2024) of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of National and Kapodistrian University of Athnes, which aims to inform about activities of its members of staff and students, has just been published: NewsletterDownload For earlier newsletters, please click here:

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online application

MA “Philosophy”: Call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025

The Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens invites those interested, to apply for one of the -up to 50- postgraduate positions of the MA “Philosophy”, specialization: "History of Philosophy and Ideas (Greek Philosophy)".  General Information This program will be held online.…

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theology conference cover

Completion of the International Conference ‘Orthodox Theology and the Ministry of Fellow Human Beings: Examples, Demands, Contemporary Trends’

The International Conference entitled ‘Orthodox Theology and the Ministry of Fellow Human Beings: Examples, Demands, Contemporary Trends’ concluded with great success. The Conference was organized by the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Educational Science of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania, in collaboration…

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philology conference

12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of NKUA – Extension of abstract submission

We would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission for the 12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has been extended until June 15, 2024. You can submit your abstracts to…

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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens awards the W.D.E. Coulson & Toni Cross Aegean Fellowship to Efthymia Kanner

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens has awarded the W.D.E. Coulson & Toni Cross Aegean Fellowship for 2024-2025 to Efthymia Kanner, Associate Professor of the Department of Turkish and Contemporary Asian Studies of NKUA, in order for her to make…

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