NKUA was the centre of attention in the ‘Universities 10km Run’ of the 40th Athens Authentic Marathon #iAMAuthentic #AMA2023. Professor Gerasimos Siasos, Rector of NKUA, presented Christos Varelis, a student at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with the first prize. In addition, NKUA was honoured for the first time by the Organizing Committee as the University with the highest number of entries at the Run. The photo below shows the President of the Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS), Ms Sofia Sakorafa, along with the Vice-President, Mr Kostas Kenteris, giving the honorary award to the NKUA faculty members, namely Professor Gerasimos Siasos, Rector of NKUA, Professor Efstathios Efstathopoulos, Vice-Rector of Administrative Affairs and Student Welfare, Professor Nasia Smirniotou, a member of the NKUA’s Administration Council, and Professor Xenia Argeitaki from the NKUA’s School of Physical Education and Sport Science. Earlier on, it was the NKUA’s Vice-Rector of Administrative Affairs and Student Welfare, Professor Efstathios Efstathopoulos, that had signalled the start of the race.

Introduced last year, the ‘Universities 10km Run’ aims to bring together students and University Schools from Greece and abroad to compete in the race and, at the same time, interact culturally and educationally through a rich four-day programme of events and activities.

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