ISPI – Italian Institute for International Political Studies, the leading think tank in Italy, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, is organizing – within the framework of the Rome MED Conference – the fourth edition of the Youth Forum Contest, with the aim to gather young leaders from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea to discuss about the theme of climatic cooperation in a context of climate insecurity.

Hence, this year the name of the Youth Forum will reflect this main topic, being called “Youth Policy Lab for Climate Action”, aiming to promote innovative policy proposals and solutions to limit the region’s impact on global warming and accelerate adaptation to climate effects.
The applicants should be holders of a university degree (B.A or M.A.):
- Aged between 21 and 35 years;
- Coming from North Africa, Middle East, or Europe (for a detailed list of the countries, please refer to this page);
- A strong interest/expertise in trans-Mediterranean climate cooperation;
- Excellent command of English (the conference’s working language will be English).
Interested students may send a CV (maximum two pages), together with a short video to introduce themselves and a structured Policy Brief, which must propose solutions relevant to the broader Mediterranean region either in Climate Mitigation or Climate Adaptation. The application and the attachments must be submitted exclusively through the dedicated application form.
The deadline for applications is September the 18th.
Successful proposals will be presented during the Youth Forum at the Rome MED Conference (scheduled from December the 1st to the 3rd), with the opportunity for the attendees to discuss their proposals and eventually developing the basis for the draft of a “Youth Program for Climate Action in the Mediterranean”.
For more detailed information, please refer to