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The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is carrying out a training programme for primary teachers to prevent issues and promote mental health in children and their families.

Entitled ‘Let’s Talk About Children – LTC’, this training programme is part of the EU4Health 2021-2027, a European initiative run by a consortium of 9 countries to disseminate and implement the LTC psychosocial intervention nationwide. Coordinating the programme—and scientist-in-charge for Greece—is Gerasimos Kolaitis, Professor of Child Psychiatry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The programme focuses on training in short, structured, and effective interventions that open a channel of communication and collaboration between teachers and parents to optimally support and meet the psychosocial needs of children and promote positive parental function.

LTC will start in November 2023.

For further information and applications, please email us at:

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