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Opening Ceremony and Colloquium – Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Department of English Language and Literature [20-21/10/23]

The 2-day colloquium of the Postgraduate Studies Programme “English Studies: Literature and Culture” module titled “19th and 20th Century Anglophone Literature and Culture: Representations of Marginality and Exclusion” is organized by the Department of English Language and Literature, School of Philosophy, NKUA.

The opening ceremony–poetry soiree will take place on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 18:30, at the Museum of History of the University of Athens, 8 Tholou street, Plaka.

The colloquium itself will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023, from 9:00 to 17:00, in the Amphitheatre of the Library of the School of Philosophy, Zografou University Campus.

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