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Publication of a study led by Assistant Professor at NKUA, Nikolaos Pantazis, in The Lancet HIV

A multicentre, multinational study led by Assistant Professor at NKUA, Dr Nikolaos Pantazis, appeared in The Lancet HIV (2023 Impact Factor 12.8). The study investigates bodyweight change in people living with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy and the relationship between this change and specific antiretroviral drugs and classes. Contrary to previous studies, which have observed individuals with HIV of indeterminate duration, Dr Pantazis’s study is the first to investigate individuals with well-estimated dates of HIV seroconversion who initiated treatment within 12 months of seroconversion. The study included 5,698 individuals—followed up over time—from clinics in France, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweeden, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

The study was accompanied by an Editorial/Comment and is available at the link below:

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