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Opening Ceremony and Colloquium – Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Department of English Language and Literature [20-21/10/23] 🗓

The 2-day colloquium of the Postgraduate Studies Programme “English Studies: Literature and Culture” module titled “19th and 20th Century Anglophone Literature and Culture: Representations of Marginality and Exclusion” is organized by the Department of English Language and Literature, School of Philosophy, NKUA.

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The Young Historians Prize of the International Academy of the History of Science to Associate Professor of NKUA Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

On Friday, 15 September 2023, at the ‘Leonidas Zervas’ Auditorium of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the International Academy of the History of Science awarded the Young Historian Prize 2021 to Associate Professor of the History of Sciences at the NKUA’s Department…

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Associate Professor of the Digital Technology Department of NKUA, Petros Bithas, in the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists

In October the 4th 2023, the updated database of the World’s top-cited scientists entitled “October 2023 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” was published. This annual ranking, by Professor Ioannidis from Stanford University, is based on several indicators…

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