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Approval of the SMARTT proposal by the European Commission with the participation of NKUA

Within the context of the European University CIVIS, and in collaboration between NKUA, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Bucharest, and the Sapienza University of Rome, the proposal ‘SMARTT – Screening, Mapping, Analyzing, Recommending, Transferring, and Transforming HE International Programmes’…

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Kick-off of the New Horizon Europe Research Project HORSE with the Participation of the Department of Ports Management and Shipping, NKUA

The EU-funded HORSE (Holistic, Omnipresent, Resilient Services for future 6G Wireless and Computing Ecosystems) research project with a total budget of 6.5 million euros and a three-year duration, got started on 1/1/2023. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is participating in the…

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Interdisciplinary scientific collaboration between the Laboratory of Physiology, Medical School of NKUA, the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, sheds light into the molecular mechanisms that regulate nuclear lipid droplets accumulation during ageing

The findings of the study, published in the premier international scientific journal Aging Cell, reveal a fundamental quality control mechanism that regulates nuclear lipid droplets (nLDs) accumulation and safeguards the integrity and the function of the nucleus.

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Guideline Webinar by the European Stroke Organisation with the participation of the Prof. G. Tsivgoulis [2/2/23]

Thursday, 2 February 2023 | 17:00 – 18:30 CET › Moyamoya vasculopathy: epidemiology, clinical presentation, and natural course › ESO Guideline on Moyamoya angiopathy › ESO Expedited Recommendation on Tenecteplase in patients with acute ischaemic stroke › The next frontiers for Tenecteplase…

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2nd Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project ‘Water Skyball in Europe 2’ in Budapest, Hungary

The Laboratory of Adapted Physical Activity/Developmental & Physical Disabilities of the NKUA’s School of Physical Education and Sport Science, headed by Professor Dimitra Koutsouki, participated as a partner in the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the Water Skyball in Europe 2 project, held in Budapest,…

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Doctoral candidate position No.9: hosted by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), GREECE – Fixed-term three-year contract 🗓

The ESR will be working closely with young teenagers and young adults of African descent in Athens to explore whether they have experienced bullying, online and offline, as a result of their skin colour, and -taking an intersectional approach- also in conjunction…

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