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Blaise Pascal Medal awarded to the Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor at the University of Cambridge, and Honorary Professor of NKUA, Athanasios Fokas

The European Academy of Sciences awarded the Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics to the Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor at the University of Cambridge, and Honorary Professor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dr Athanasios Fokas, during a…

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Reception of Professor Marianna Karamanou of the NKUA’s School of Medicine as member of the French National Academy of Medicine

On Tuesday, 9 January 2024, in Paris, during its annual inaugural session, the French National Academy of Medicine (Académie Nationale de Médecine) officially received Professor Marianna Karamanou as a corresponding member. Professor Karamanou was elected to the 1st Division (Medicine and Medical…

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Launch of an interdisciplinary Natural Hazard Management Programme as part of the MSc ‘Global Health – Disaster Medicine’ of the NKUA’s School of Medicine, in collaboration with the Municipality of Chalki

The MSc ‘Global Health- Disaster Medicine’ at the NKUA’s School of Medicine, led by the Dean of the School of Health Sciences, Professor of Surgery, Emmanouil Pikoulis, announces the launch of an eight-month interdisciplinary programme, in collaboration with the Municipality of Chalki. The…

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Are Greeks ‘Really’ in Favor of a Hawkish Stance Toward Turkey? | A study by Professors N. Sambanis of Yale University and P. Tsakonas of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Τhe recent visit to Athens by Turkish President Erdogan culminated in a Declaration of Friendship between Greece and Turkey, as the two leaders assured their publics that bilateral relations had entered a period of détente. And yet, just a year ago, many…

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