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International Conference on Byzantine Musicology in memoriam of Dimitrios Balageorgos [1-5/7/24]

The Department of Music Studies, School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, will organise an International Conference on Byzantine Musicology, in memoriam of the Associate Professor of Byzantine Musicology Dimitrios Balageorgos, who passed away on June 2nd , 2023.

The Conference will make a special reference to the contribution Dimitrios Balageorgos has offered to the field of Byzantine Musicology, while the Proceedings will be published as a spiritual and scientific memorial to our late friend and colleague. The Conference will take place in Athens, at the premises of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, from 1 to 5 July 2024.

Τhe conference is organized under the scientific care and organizational responsibility of the Byzantine Musicology Sector of the Department of Music Studies, School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (members: Achilleas Chaldaiakis, Flora Kritikou, Thomas Apostolopoulos, Thodoris Karathodoros).

The working language of the conference will be Greek and English. Abstracts of no more than 400 words and short biographical notes (c. 200 words) should be sent to by February 29, 2024.

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