The Director of the Laboratory of Biology of the NKUA School of Medicine, Professor Aristidis Iliopoulos, announced the new flagship action in Infectious Diseases.
To quote his own words: ‘We are thrilled about the success of our flagship proposal, which will receive 3.8 million euros from the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation to study the immune damage mechanisms in patients with severe pneumonia!’
Below is the complete announcement issued by the Director of the Laboratory:
We are thrilled about the success of our flagship proposal, which will receive 3.8 million euros from the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation to study the immune damage mechanisms in patients with severe pneumonia!
The funding is granted under the ‘Flagship actions in interdisciplinary scientific fields with a special focus on the productive fabric’, ID 16618, Greece 2.0 – National Recovery and Resilience Fund, following evaluation by foreign scientists.
The proposed project aims at mapping the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying immune damage in patients with severe, often fatal pneumonia, to develop personalized biomarkers and innovative models for the prognosis and prevention of its complications. Epidemiological and pharmacogenetic studies in Greek patients will complement the project.
Coordinating the project will be the Rector of NKUA, Professor Meletios-Athanasios Dimopoulos, while Professors Aristidis Iliopoulos (School of Medicine, NKUA) and Georgios Chamilos (School of Medicine, University of Crete) will be the scientists responsible.
The project involves the largest team researching the disease in the world, with over 70 researchers and faculty members from NKUA, the University of Crete, the BSRC Alexander Fleming, and the Hellenic Pasteur Institute, a flagship initiative indeed!
It is with great pleasure that I will take over the project’s scientific supervision alongside my colleagues Thanos Dimopoulos and Giorgos Chamilos, while the entire team is looking forward to the launch of the project with the submission of the technical fiche.