ERMIS is a pathfinder demonstration of key space connectivity capabilities linked to, Greece’s 200M€ national small satellite project using a constellation of small satellites. Coordinated by the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) the consortium includes leading space, small satellite and IoT/communications entities OQ Hellas, University of Patras, University of the Aegean and the National Observatory of Athens. As the first Greek small satellite constellation, ERMIS will bring novel space communications (Low Earth Orbit 5G-IoT communication services, Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) and laser optical downlink), hyperspectral earth observation applications focused on national needs (e.g. precise agriculture) and small satellite technology capabilities for Greece and Europe, and create new unprecedented space capacities, synergies, and infrastructure in Greece.

The ERMIS mission consists of a constellation of three (3) advanced, 6U cubesats focused on demonstrating key communications/connectivity and earth observation technologies and applications, utilizing a mixture of existing Greek space technology such as communications (IoT/5G, ISL), CCSDS on-board data processing, state-of-the-art FPGA accelerators for hyperspectral image compression and optical channel-coding, attitude control tracking algorithms, laser optical communications demonstrating 1 Gbps downlink to the Helmos Optical Ground Station, hyperspectral imaging (5m GSD), associated EO applications and national space infrastructure for its ground segment. Launch of the ERMIS constellation is planned for the end of 2025.
The initiative underpins efforts – led by ESA on behalf of the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance – to expand the nascent space industry in Greece, enabling the digital transformation of society while creating jobs and generating prosperity, as part of the nation’s EU-funded Recovery and Resilience Facility. The ERMIS 4.8M€ project is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU and by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance and is coordinated by the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (www.aerospace.uoa.gr).