On Friday, 25 November 2022, at 13:00, a seminar entitled ‘Intercultural understanding and foreign language’ will take place in room 209 of the School of Philosophy of NKUA.
The Laboratory of Language, Translation, and Study of the Relations between Greek and Italian Languages (Lab.It.El.) of the Department of Italian Language and Literature in collaboration with the Joint Franco-Hellenic Postgraduate Programme ‘Teaching foreign languages in Europe: training in the linguistic and cultural diversity of school populations’ (Department of French Language and Literature, NKUA, and University of Angers, France) and the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) organize the seminar.
During the seminar, associate professor Karine Marielly Rocha da Cunha and Dr Francisco Calvo del Olmo will present their new method for the intercomprehension of Romance languages entitled ‘PanromanIC. Manuale di intercomprensione fra lingue romanze’ (Zanichelli, 2021).
Marie-Christine Anastassiadi, associate professor and Chair of the Department of French Language and Literature, Argyro Moustaki, professor at the Department of French Language and Literature, and Domenica Minniti Gonias, professor at the Department of Italian Language and Literature and director of the Lab.It.El. will give talks at the event.
The seminar will also be available for remote participants who wish to join online via WebEx (https://uoa.webex.com/uoa/j.php?MTID=m4419675894469120d99869e4e088a998).