Spiros Panagiotou, an undergraduate student at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, received the international Young Courage Award 2024 for his voluntary work with the NKUA’s Accessibility Unit.

The Young Courage Award is an international accolade given by the Raoul Wallenberg Academy of Sweeden, in collaboration with the Swedish Institute, to honour individuals between the ages of 13 and 20 who have made a difference in the lives of their fellow human beings.
Spiros Panagiotou won the Young Courage Award 2024 because he—along with other students under the coordination of the NKUA’s Accessibility Unit—assists fellow students with disabilities or/and special educational needs to facilitate their studies. Spiros’s actions testify to his generous character, benefit his peers, and inspire others to act for a more inclusive and supportive society.
Spiros’s distinction is an honour for our University and demonstrates the commitment of the Accessibility Unit’s volunteers to solidarity and social action. We express our warm congratulations and pride for Spiros and wish him good luck with his career.