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Invitation to the lecture by historian Ilana Löwy [12/12/2024]

On Thursday 12/12, 18:15, we invite you to the Keynote Speech by historian Ilana Löwy entitled “The tyranny of absence of diagnosis: from post traumatic hystero-neurasthenia to long COVID”.

It will take place at the Lecture Hall of the Academy of Athens (28 Panepistimiou str., Athens).

Ilana Löwy is Emerita Research Director, Cermes3, CNRS (UMR 8211), Unité Inserm 988, EHESS, Université Paris Cité. Her research in the history of science and biomedicine has focused on the history of organ transplants, “Pasteurian sciences” –bacteriology, immunology, and virology–, and the intersection between biomedicine and gender studies.

Among other works, she has published the following books: Preventive Strikes: Women, Precancer, and Prophylactic Surgery (Johns Hopkins UP, 2009), A Woman’s Disease: A History of Cervical Cancer (Oxford UP, 2011), Imperfect Pregnancies: A History of Prenatal Diagnosis (Johns Hopkins UP, 2017), Tangled Diagnoses: Prenatal Testing, Women and Risk (Chicago UP, 2018), and Viruses and Reproductive Injustice: Zika in Brazil (Johns Hopkins UP, 2024).

The Keynote Speech is part of the program of the two-day Workshop «Testing under crisis / Testing the crises» organized in the context of the research project «Testing under crisis, a history from HIV/AIDS to Covid-19: between public debates and health policies – CrisisTesting».

The project is hosted in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Principal Investigator is assistant professor Katerina Vlantoni.

Moreover, it is co-organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar ΔιεπιΔημΥα.

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