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The Honorary Doctor of NKUA, Dimitrios Kontoyiannis, inducted into Association of American Physicians

Dimitrios Kontoyiannis, Honorary Doctor of NKUA, elected to the very prestigious AAP (Association of American Physicians).

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Election to the AAP is a prestigious honor extended to physicians with outstanding credentials in basic or translational biomedical research and is limited to 70 persons per year.The overarching goals of the AAP include the promotion of professional and social interaction among biomedical scientists, the dissemination of important information related to biomedical science and teaching, the recognition of outstanding, diverse physician-scientists through membership, and the establishment of role models to kindle new generations of high achievers in medicine and medical science.

Kontoyiannis is considered a leading mycology expert world-wide. He is the Robert C. Hickey Chair in Clinical Care and deputy division head, Internal Medicine. He leads a group of researchers credited for sustained and impactful contributions to medical and translational mycology through advances in antifungal pharmacology, the study of host defenses against fungi, novel diagnostics, clinical trials, dedicated mentoring, organizational service and life-saving patient care.​​​​​​

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