On Tuesday, 5 March 2024, at the NKUA’s School of Theology, Professor of Christian Philosophy Dr Winfried Löffler gave a lecture entitled ‘The Epistemology of Fake News, Their Side-effects, and Management in Contemporary Societies’ as part of the European programme for academic staff mobility Erasmus+ of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on the one hand and the collaboration between the Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, on the other (Academic responsible: Professor Kirki Kefalea).

Addressing the event, which was held in English, was the NKUA’s Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, International Relations, and Extroversion, Professor Sophia Papaioannou. Also participating in the event were faculty members and students from the School of Theology and other Schools and Departments of NKUA.