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Medical aid for the survivors of the two recent shipwrecks by the Dean’s Office of the School of Health Sciences and the Postgraduate Programme ‘Global Health – Disaster Medicine’

The Dean’s Office of the School of Health Sciences and the MSc in Global Health – Disaster Medicine, a Postgraduate Programme of the NKUA’s Department of Medicine, directed by the Dean of the School of Health Sciences, Professor Emmanouil Pikoulis, have launched an appeal for the collection of medicines and consumables to cover the emergency needs of survivors of the two recent shipwrecks who arrived at the Malakasa Reception and Identification Centre. The Hellenic National Public Health Organization will be in charge of distributing the aid.

The items required (medicines, antibiotics, consumables/instruments) are listed below and will be collected at the Postgraduate Programme ‘Global Health – Disaster Medicine’ Office, located on the ground floor of the School of Health Sciences Library (1 Dilou street, at the corner with Mikras Asias street), on Thursday 22 June and Friday 23 June 2023, from 09:00-15:00.



  • Depon Syr
  • Algofren Syr
  • Niflamol Tab
  • Aerius Syr/Tab
  • Xozal Syr/Tab
  • Atarax Syr
  • Sudocrem Cr
  • Fenistil Cr
  • Fucidin Cr
  • Fucicort Cr
  • Propiogenta Cr
  • Sylfio Cr
  • Vaseline
  • Mupirocin Cr
  • Burns Creams
  • Almora Sach (for children)
  • Almora Sach (for adults)
  • Aerolin Spray
  • Aerolin Amp
  • Zyrolen Amp
  • Pulmicort Amp
  • Penicillin
  • Amoxicillin
  • Clavulanic acid
  • Azithromycin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Cefaclor
  • Betadine Sol
  • Xylocaine
  • Oximeters
  • Blood pressure monitors
  • Syringes 10 ml
  • Syringes 5 ml
  • Tongue depressors
  • Pulvo spray
  • Physiological serum 0.9%
  • Non-sterile gauze swabs
  • Head lice lotions
  • Sunscreen products
  • Moisturizing lotions
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Actrapid insulin
  • Urine collection containers
  • Vertigo-Vomex
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution
  • Imodium Tab
  • Nurofen Tab
  • Norgesic Tab
  • Throat lozenges
  • Elastic plasters
Scheduled Announcements Health & Medicine

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