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European Association of Professors Emeriti: November EAPE Seminar “Presentation of the Louros Archives on History of Medicine” [26/11/23]

The European Association of Professors Emeriti (Section of Culture) and the Louros Foundation for History of Medicine are organizing the November EAPE Seminar.

Title: “Presentation of the Louros Archives on History of Medicine”
Locus: 5 Semitelou street, 5th Floor, Ampelokipi, Athens, Greece.
Date: 26 November 2023
Time: 18.30-20.45


18.30: Registration

18.50: Greetings
Prof. G. Christodoulou
Prof. S. Geroulanos

19.00 – 20.30
Co-ordinator: Prof. A. Diamandopoulos
Ch. Marinis
A. Tselikas
C. Gardikas


Prof. G. Christodoulou

Scheduled Events

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