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MA “Philosophy”: Call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025

The Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens invites those interested, to apply for one of the -up to 50- postgraduate positions of the MA “Philosophy”, specialization: “History of Philosophy and Ideas (Greek Philosophy)“.

 General Information

  • This program will be held online.
  • Starting date: October 2024
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Number of courses: 6 courses & a master thesis
  • Duration: one year-intensive program (two semesters -winter & spring- and a summer term)
  • Credits: The program consists of 75 ECTS.
  • Tuition fee: 850 € (EUR) per semester (each of the two installments is due in the beginning of each semester)
  • Tutoring will be available for students residing in Athens


When submitting their application, candidates must supply the following documents:

  1. Application form (can be downloaded here)
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Electronic copy of an identification document (national ID or passport)
  4. Certified copy of the university Diploma (or Certificate of Completion of Degree Requirements)
  5. Transcript of Records (listing the grades obtained by the student)
  6. A certificate of English language proficiency, that equals at least a B2 level. If not available, the applicant must participate in an online English exam, conducted by the Program. This does not apply to native speakers or graduates holding an academic degree taught in English.
  7. Two letters of recommendation. The authors should email them directly to
  8. Scientific publications, if available
  9. Evidence of professional or research activity, if any

The application process

How to apply

Applications should be submitted as follows:

α) via WeTransfer or similar service, by uploading the requested documents in pdf format and sending them to, or
b) directly by e-mail, to In this case, all files must be combined and submitted in a single pdf document.

When to apply

You must submit your application and supporting documents within the following application periods: 

a)   23 May 2024 to 31 July 2024
b)   02 September 2024 to 27 September 2024

Admission criteria

Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate Degree grade/classification (GPA) (20%)
  • Certified knowledge of English at B2 level (10%)
  • Certified knowledge of a second foreign language at B2 level (5%)
  • Scientific publications, participation in conferences (10%)
  • Two letters of recommendation (required)
  • Relevant research or professional activity (10%)
  • Possession of another master’s or doctoral degree (10%)
  • Interview (35%)

Please note that upon the end of the application procedure, candidates whose application is complete and was submitted on time will be invited to attend a virtual interview. During the interview, they will have the opportunity to elaborate on why they chose this course and will be asked relevant questions. Any practical arrangements will be announced in due time. An interview timetable will be posted on the Program’s website.

On behalf of the Coordinating Committee of the MA “PHILOSOPHY” 

The Director of the Program 

Prof. Georgios Arabatzis

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