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LSE public event moderated by Anthony Bartzokas, Professor at the Department of Economics University of Athens

LSE public event moderated by Professor at the Department of Economics University of Athens, Anthony Bartzokas, on the topic: Regional financial centres: pathways for Greece and Cyprus,  which will take place on Monday, 25 November 2024.

After a long adjustment process, financial systems in Greece and Cyprus have gradually regained credibility and are actively participating in international financial markets. In previous episodes, asset acquisition and client support networking have been the preferred modalities for internationalisation. In the meantime, the external environment has changed in terms of technical infrastructure, regulatory requirements, and the increasing role of non-banking entities. Furthermore, the normalisation of monetary policy in the EU and the integration process of European capital markets provide two additional layers of complexity in market conditions and call for new paths of engagement. Considering these trends, this event will bring together experienced market participants and renowned experts for a debate on options available derived from the experience of regional financial centres and business model guidelines for a new phase of financial systems internationalisation in Greece and Cyprus.


  • Dr Nikolaos V. Karamouzis, Chairman at Grant Thornton LLP Greece
  • Charlotte Ruhe, Managing Director for Central and South Eastern Europe at the EBRD
  • Michalis Sarris, Former Minister of Finance, Republic of Cyprus
  • Dr. Apostolos Thomadakis, Head of Research at European Capital Markets Institute

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