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The Dean of the NKUA’s School of Law, Professor Linos-Alexandros Sicilianos, was elected Vice-President of the Institute of International Law

We are pleased to announce that the Dean of the NKUA’s School of Law, Professor Linos-Alexandros Sicilianos, was elected Vice-President of the Institute of International Law (IIL) during its 81st Session, which took place in Angers, France, from 27 August to 2 September 2023. At the same Session, Professor Petros Mavroidis of the Columbia Law School, was elected associate member of the Institute.

The election of Professor Sicilianos to the position of Vice-President of IIL, a top academic Institution currently celebrating 150 years of continuous contribution to the advancement of International Law, is a great honour for the NKUA’s School of Law in particular and our country in general. Indicative of the Institute’s impact and recognition is that, back in 1904, it received the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting the peaceful settlement of disputes between countries through arbitration.

Heading the Greek team at the Institute is its former President and member of the Academy of Athens, Emmanuel Roukounas. Emeritus Professor Christos Rozakis is also a full member of IIL.

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