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Tag: Department of Ports Management and Shipping

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Kick-off of the new Horizon Europe research project TARDIS with the participation of the Department of Ports Management and Shipping

The EU-funded TARDIS (Trustworthy and Resilient Decentralised Intelligence for Edge Systems) research project with a total budget of 7.5 million euros and a three-year duration, got started on 1/1/2023. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is participating in the consortium through…

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Kick-off of the New Horizon Europe Research Project HORSE with the Participation of the Department of Ports Management and Shipping, NKUA

The EU-funded HORSE (Holistic, Omnipresent, Resilient Services for future 6G Wireless and Computing Ecosystems) research project with a total budget of 6.5 million euros and a three-year duration, got started on 1/1/2023. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is participating in the…

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