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Open Event | The Service-Learning Methodology at the NKUA and the CIVIS Alliance:Research findings – Future Actions

On Monday 23 October 2023 (16:00-20:00), an Open Event will be held for the entire academic community (teaching staff and students) and civic stakeholders of the NKUA entitled “The Service-Learning Methodology at the NKUA and the CIVIS alliance: research data – future actions”.

The event takes place in the framework of the two-year European Research Project KA2 Erasmus+: Service-Learning. Intersectoral Collaboration Practices for the development of students’ soft skills and socially engaged universities (15/11/2022-15/11/2024).

The event has many objectives:
i) to inform everyone about the Service-Learning methodology, which is based on the principles of experiential learning through community service;
ii) to provide information about its application in five universities participating in the CIVIS Alliance, partners also in this research project (namely Université Aix-Marseilles, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Bucharest, Sapienza University of Rome, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, coordinated by the NGO Eurasia Net which is the leader of the project);
iii) to present new activities based on this methodology, which will be implemented during the current academic year 2023-24 by members of the NKUA teaching staff from various Departments and Faculties.

The event features both teachers and representatives of the student groups who will participate in the Service-Learning projects and will seek to have a meaningful discussion on the innovative features of Service-Learning and its educational and social value.

The event is organized by Dr. Marlen Mouliou, Assistant Professor of Museology at the Department of History-Archaeology of the NKUA, Coordinator of the CIVIS Open Labs, as well as Coordinator of WP2 of this research project, whose aim was to map the experience and implementation of Service-Learning in the five contracting universities.

The event will take place at the History Museum of the University of Athens (5 Tholou Plaka). Detailed information on the presentations can be found in the attached programme.

Scheduled CIVIS Events University Community

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