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A Two-Day Papyrological Conference by the Department of Philology in Collaboration With the University of Cologne [28-29/4/23]

On Friday, 28, and Saturday, 29 April 2023, in room 209 of the NKUA’s School of Philosophy, the Department of Philology will hold a two-day papyrological conference in collaboration with the University of Cologne.

Webcast link:


Friday, 28 April 2023

10:00-10:20 Konstantinos Farmakalis, P. Köln inv. 20372: An Unpublished List From the Papyri Collection of the University of Cologne

10:20-10:40 Discussion

10:40-11:00 Ioannis Drakos, Order for Payment. An Unpublished Ptolemaic Letter From the Papyrussammlung of Cologne

11:00-11:20 Discussion

11:20-11:40 Eleni Skarsouli, All the King’s Men: An Unedited Cologne Papyrus Connected With Galaistes

11:40-12:00 Discussion

12:00-12:20 Riccardo Vecchiato, ‘Just Another Day at the Office’ – A Glimpse at the Ptolemaic Administrative System in an Unpublished Papyrus From Cologne

12:20-12:40 Discussion


Saturday, 29 April 2023

10:00-10:20 Eirini Vlastou, Georgia Zambiakou, Anastasia Petropoulou, Letter From Petesuchos to Ptolemaios (PK Inv. 20768r+v)

10:20-10:40 Discussion

10:40-11:00 Nikolaos Kolveris, Konstantinos Efthimiou, Konstantinos Papadakis, Georgios Gkogkolakis, Anna-Maria Giaramani, P. Köln. inv. 20984: A Hypomnema From Ptolemaic Egypt

11:00-11:20 Discussion

11:20-11:40 Paraskevi Kitsaki, Anna Orfanopoulou, Magda Lounta, A New Fragment of the Euripidean Tragedy Phoenissae

11:40-12:00 Discussion

12:00-12:20 Ilias Sourlas, Symbols and Abbreviations in Greek Papyri of the Ptolemaic and Roman Period

12:20-12:40 Discussion

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