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Conclusion with great success of the two-day seminar at the Sapienza University of Rome in the framework of the CIVIS Alliance entitled Meeting of the Task Force on European Research Projects [19-20/09/2022]

The two-day seminar held at the Sapienza University of Rome on the 19th and 20th of September 2022 as part of the project CIVIS – A European Civic University Alliance was a great success. The seminar aimed to Train the Trainer on topics related to European research projects [e.g., Open Science in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), research data management, advantages and challenges of data sharing, ethics and deontology in research, the impact of Horizon projects, etc.]. The Task Force had the opportunity to participate in round-table talks and parallel sessions focused on practices adopted by each University to find calls for participation in research projects, disseminate them, motivate researchers to become involved, find partners, form a consortium, and network.

Delegates from the ten (10) Universities listed below attended the two-day seminar:

  1. The Free University of Brussels (ULB),
  2. Aix-Marseille University (AMU),
  3. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA),
  4. The Sapienza University of Rome,
  5. The Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM),
  6. Stockholm University,
  7. The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS),
  8. The University of Bucharest (UB),
  9. The University of Glasgow (Glas), and
  10. The University of Tübingen.

Mr Thomas Babalis, professor at the Department of Primary Education and Dean of the School of Education, Mr Christos Papatheodorou, professor at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, and Ms Konstantina Tsoli, assistant professor at the Department of Primary Education, represented Greece in the seminar. The Greek delegation described the actions (e.g., mapping of over 130 intra-University research teams, organization of 18 seminars attended by 600 members of the academic community, preparation of over 20 projects, etc.) of the Financial Office for Funding established by the Rector and Vice-Rectors of NKUA  and presented its objectives (e.g., increase the motivation of faculty to participate in funded programmes; share information on funding opportunities; provide access to support mechanisms; help find suitable collaborators/research teams, network with significant foreign partners, or submit research proposals; acquire the necessary expertise on issues related to management, financial monitoring, and institutional framework).

The two-day seminar concluded with an open discussion among CIVIS alliance members on the future of Task Force Horizon Europe (HEUR) in the second phase of the CIVIS project.

Image: The Dean of the School of Education of NKUA, professor Thomas Babalis with the professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Christos Papatheodorou, at the Sapienza University of Rome.

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