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Unofficial visit by Professor Tieshan Wang and collaboration with the NuSTRAP research group of the NKUA’s Department of Physics

On Tuesday, 1 October 2024, the Director of the Institute of Radiation Physics and Applications at Lanzhou University, Professor Tieshan Wang, paid an unofficial collaboration visit to the NuSTRAP (Nuclear Structure, Reactions, and Applications) research group of the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Lanzhou University is Western China’s largest University, with considerable distinctions in academia and research—and a size comparable to that of NKUA. It is home to China’s only facility for producing exotic beams (3 in total in Asia, less than 10 worldwide).

At the meeting with Associate Professor Theo J. Mertzimekis and members of the NuSTRAP research group, Professor Tieshan Wang discussed the prospects of cooperation in terms of funding tools for joint research activities on the one hand and reflected on the possibilities for strengthening the relationship between the two Universities via staff and student mobility on the other. Professor Wang communicated the Chinese research community’s strong willingness to engage with their Greek counterparts and expand joint research efforts at both the international and national levels.

The meeting concluded with a guided tour of the NuSTRAP research group’s laboratories, during which Professor Wang got informed about the most recent innovative technologies developed by the group’s members (European RAMONES project, etc.) as well as with a mutual commitment to expand this channel of communication and collaboration on cutting-edge research topics.

For more information about the research group, please click the link below:

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