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Launch of the official Website and Social Media of the International Congress “Christian-Orthodox Theology in the 21st century. Challenges and Perspectives”

It is with great delight that we announce the launch of the official website of the International Congress “Christian-Orthodox theology in the 21st century. Challenges and Perspectives”, which is organised in Athens 24-28 November 2024 by the School of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens under the auspices of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece.

The website is fully available in Greek and English, the two working languages of the Congress, aspiring to provide with clarity and directness extensive information about the 2024 International Congress of Orthodox Theology, its historical origins, organisers, sponsors and supporters, keynote speakers and programme, sessions, workshops and parallel events taking place in the formidable facilities of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Moreover, through the website of the Congress, everyone interested can quite easily book their place online, as well as communicate with the Scientific and Organising Committee, the Secretariat and all the other teams supporting the Congress.

Alongside the official website, we have launched several communities on major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Viber, Instagram and YouTube, their content developing according to the flow of the overall event.

The official webpage and social media of the International Congress “Christian-Orthodox theology in the 21st century. Challenges and Prespectives” of the School of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) are fruits of voluntary cooperation and were developed by Mr. Demetrios Ch. Alexopoulos, Special Technical and Laboratory Staff – ETEP (elect.), PhD Candidate at the Department of Theology and Scientific Associate of the Dean of the School of Theology, under the supervision of Dr. Stavros Yangazoglou, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology, NKUA, and Dr. Athanasios Antonopoulos, Assistant Professor at he Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion, NKUA.

The Scientific and Organising Committee

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