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Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities


Participation of the Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion of NKUA in the 8th International Conference for the promotion of Educational Innovation

The highest honor for the entire Educational Community was the profound Guest Speech of His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, who delivered his Guest Speech on the subject: “The Humanistic Orientation of Education”, during the 1st day of the 8th International Conference…

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Academic Conference ‘Bittersweet and Inescapable Crawling Thing*. Love in the Diachrony of Greek Literature’ [14-15/2/23]

Love has been an overarching theme in Greek literature over time. The ancient Greeks took advantage of their religion’s openness and tolerance to dynamically express their sexuality. From the Archaic Period onwards, they created literature on love characterized by libertinism and great…

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CIVIS Course Entitled ‘Religion and Power in the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages’

Within the framework of the CIVIS alliance, and for the second consecutive year, a joint course entitled ‘Religion and Power in the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages’  will be offered in English, in the spring semester of 2023,…

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Exploring the World of Alexandros Papadiamantis – Presentation of the Video Documentary from the Educational Symposium organized in Skiathos by the Dean’s Office of the School of Theology of NKUA

The Dean’s Office of the School of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), in collaboration with LOOX Media, the organization for research and the development of artistic creation, the new media, audiovisual art, and communication in modern civilization,…

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Geopolitical Findings on the Russian Strategic Approach in the Recent War in Artsakh

Moscow managed to “diplomatically” contain the Baku-Yerevan-Stepanakert explosion since Russia reemerged in a dominant and decisive way as a peacekeeping military and economic actor in the Armenia-Azerbaijan dipole. In fact, Russia stopped more bloodshed, might drive it away from its “regular” ally,…

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ENERGY AS A COMMONS Summer School co-organized by NKUA’s STS graduate program

Researchers from around the world participated in the ‘ENERGY AS A COMMONS’ International SUMMER SCHOOL at the Tzoumerka mountains, Epirus (late August to early September of 2022), which was financially supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Horizon 2020 grant. It was…

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