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LSE Research Seminar on “Greek economy: the trajectory from crisis to sustainable growth” with the participation of Associate Professor of NKUA Anthony Bartzokas

The Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Mr. Anthony Bartzokas is participating in the LSE Research Seminar on “Greek economy: the trajectory from crisis to sustainable growth” which will take place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

This seminar draws on a forthcoming book titled “Macroeconomic adjustment and investment recovery in Greece: the economics of a special case” by Palgrave. The Greek economy went through a steep recession in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The economic recovery that is underway in Greece is confronted with new challenges for sustainability and resilience. We provide an explanatory framework of what drives the adjustment process during a special case of deep recession under constrained policy options and enrich the debate on reforms sequencing and relevant growth and welfare implications during an economic transition by applying the concept of binding constraints as the guiding principle for the design of the direction of reforms and the search process for new growth drivers.

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Following the seminar, a podcast will be posted for anyone interested.

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