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NKUA’s archaeological projects presented to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Dendias

At a meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Professor Meletios-Athanasios K. Dimopoulos and Dimitris Plantzos, Professor of Classical Archaeology, and Kostas Kopanias, Asc. Professor of Anatolian and Near Eastern Archaeology, presented to the Minister, Mr Nikos Dendias, NKUA’s archaeological projects abroad. In particular, Prof. Kopanias spoke about his excavation at Tell Nader at Iraqi Kurdistan (, and Prof. Plantzos presented the Excavation Project of the Ptolemaic Cemetery at Shatby, in Alexandria, Egypt, where he is participating on behalf of NKUA ( The Rector expressed the wish that the Ministry will support the work of the two professors in any pertinent way.

ndednias mdimopoulos

Present at the meeting also were the Head of the Division for Educational, Cultural, and Sports Affairs, Ambassador F.G. Aggeletos, and the Expert Advisor of the Ministry, Ms Theodora Gota.

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