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NKUA will host the Springer 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications – Call for papers [01-02/10/2024] 🗓

The Robotics, Automatic Control and Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory of the National and Kapodistrian Univesity of Athens will host the Springer 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2024). The conference will take place on 1st -2nd…

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philology conference

12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of NKUA – Extension of abstract submission

We would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission for the 12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has been extended until June 15, 2024. You can submit your abstracts to…

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philology conference

12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of NKUA – Call for papers

We are pleased to announce the 12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens to be held in Athens on 7-11 October 2024.  We strongly encourage active postgraduate students and doctoral candidates to submit…

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aging cover

NKUA: The conference “Aging: Exploring its Effects on Language, Life, and Beyond” was held

The Laboratory of Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics ( and the Laboratory of Phonetics and Computational Linguistics ( together with the Language and Aging Research Group (National Research Foundation, Korea) and the Tsakos Energy Navigation organized a conference on "Aging: Exploring its Effects on…

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Participation of Professor of NKUA D. Panagiotopoulos in the International Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations”

Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos, Professor of the University of Athens and Supreme Court Lawyer and Counsel of State, participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations” which took place in Moscow on November…

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Associate Professor of NKUA, Ms Efi Kanner, will participate in the international conference entitled ‘A New-Old Neighbor: Turkish Republic & the Balkans’ 🗓

Associate Professor at the NKUA’s Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies, Ms Efthymia (Efi) Kanner, will participate as speaker and also as session Chair in an international conference entitled ‘A New-Old Neighbor: Turkish Republic & the Balkans’, organized by Panteion…

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