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Kick-off of the New Horizon Europe Research Project HORSE with the Participation of the Department of Ports Management and Shipping, NKUA

The EU-funded HORSE (Holistic, Omnipresent, Resilient Services for future 6G Wireless and Computing Ecosystems) research project with a total budget of 6.5 million euros and a three-year duration, got started on 1/1/2023. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is participating in the…

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Participation of the Department of Theology of NKUA in the 2nd Mega-Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA)

The 2nd Mega-Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) under the general theme ‘Mission and the Orthodox Church’ was held in Volos from 11 to 15 January 2023. IOTA is an association that arose from the need to create a global…

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NKUA ranked 92nd globally and 25th in Europe in AD Scientific Index World Scientist and University Rankings 2023

The AD Scientific Index World Scientist and University Rankings 2023 reflect a significant distinction demonstrating the high quality, global impact, and recognition of NKUA’s research work. More specifically, the Institution ranks 92nd globally out of 19,514 Universities from 216 countries included in…

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Educational visit to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., by students of the Postgraduate Programme ‘MSc in Journalism and New Media’

The educational visit by postgraduate students from NKUA to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C., was a huge success. The visit took place from 3 to 10 December 2022 with the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

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