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Working visit by Associate Professor of Latin Literature at the NKUA’s Department of Philology, Myrto Garani, to the University of Cincinnati Classics Department in the context of the Memorandum of Understanding between NKUA and the University of Cincinnati

In continuation to the Pharos Summit 2022 (and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between NKUA and the University of Cincinnati, Associate Professor of Latin Literature at the NKUA’s Department of Philology, Dr Myrto Garani, travelled to Ohio from October 26…

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alameda artificial intelligence

Meeting of the ALAMEDA Consortium entitled: “Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Monitoring of Brain Diseases: The paradigm of Parkinson’s Disease” 🗓

The EU H2020 Project ALAMEDA ( aims primarily to design and validate an innovative model for collecting, acquiring, and analyzing clinical data and patient-generated and/or self-reported data using sensors, mobile applications, and artificial intelligence. This model will enable continuous monitoring of neurological…

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Participation of Assistant Professor of NKUA J. Lialiouti in a panel on the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic Uprising

On November 16, 2023, the Assistant Professor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Jenny Lialiouti participated in a panel entitled “Looking back 50 years to the Athens Polytechneio uprising: students confront the Junta” in the context of the 50th anniversary…

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Participation of Professor of NKUA D. Panagiotopoulos in the International Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations”

Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos, Professor of the University of Athens and Supreme Court Lawyer and Counsel of State, participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations” which took place in Moscow on November…

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Another international distinction for the NKUA’s School of Law – Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot 2023

The Department of International Studies of the NKUA’s School of Law is particularly pleased to announce that a team of undergraduate students recently placed first in the world for their written memorial for claimant, earning the corresponding award (Best Memorial for Claimant),…

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