Researchers from around the world participated in the ‘ENERGY AS A COMMONS’ International SUMMER SCHOOL at the Tzoumerka mountains, Epirus (late August to early September of 2022), which was financially supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Horizon 2020 grant. It was…
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing (Europe) in collaboration with the Greek Centre for Value Investing is holding its 2nd European Value Investing Conference on October 7, 2022 at the Bodosakeion Megaro, Athens, Greece. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is…
On Wednesday, September 7, 2022, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., the Board of Rectors of the European University CIVIS met under the Presidency of NKUA in the Kostis Palamas building in Athens. NKUA has been holding the Presidency of the alliance…
The Self-portrait of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [September, 2022] is available in the attached file below:
Qr Code Αγγλικής Έκδοσης
Self Portrait (September 2022)Λήψη
The presentation guide of the Institution includes sections on the administrative and academic structure of NKUA, a…
The University offers a number of scholarships from bequests, legacies and donations. In 2020, in the context of fulfilling the
will of 108 donors, the University allocated 1,2 million euros in scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as PhD candidates…
Internationalization of Education:
it enhances the overall quality of education, broadens horizons, increases employability and prepares students to become global professionals.
U.S. Senator Mr. Robert Menendez, a distinguished American Citizen with world renown, who is respected and esteemed by people from all sides of the political and social spectrum of his Country, a great Philhellene with extensive knowledge of the Greek issues, who…
On Thursday 1 September 2022, a panel discussion will debate the place of sustainable finance in the new economy.
The third Newsletter (January-February 2024) of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science (NKUA), which aims to inform about activities of its members of staff and students, has just been published:
Newsletter EN 3Λήψη
Dr. Konstantinos Palikaras, Assistant Professor of Physiology at the Medical School (, has been honored with the prestigious Junior Faculty Award by the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). Dr. Palikaras is one of only four recipients worldwide selected for this award, recognizing his outstanding…