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philology conference

12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of NKUA – Call for papers

We are pleased to announce the 12th Conference of Postgraduate Students and PhD Candidates of the Department of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens to be held in Athens on 7-11 October 2024.  We strongly encourage active postgraduate students and doctoral candidates to submit…

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University of Athens Hosts a Two-Month Global, Multidisciplinary Artistic Collaboration as Part of the CAPHE Project

Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environments (CAPHE)” is an HORIZON TMA MSCA Staff Exchanges project that explores the interaction between artists and communities from diverse cultural backgrounds, blending traditional and virtual elements in a hybrid environment. The goal is to facilitate…

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seemous math

Distinctions for the NKUA’s Department of Mathematics at the International Mathematics Competition SEEMOUS

The Department of Mathematics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens participated with a three-member team in the International Mathematics Competition SEEMOUS, which took place from 9 to 14 April 2024 in Iași, Romania. The team’s performance was as follows: Mamouzelos…

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nkua night

Poetry Marathon at NKUA, as part of its educational, cultural, and artistic actions, co-organized with the Municipality of Athens

The ‘Poetry Marathon’, co-organized by our University and the Municipality of Athens at the Propylaea of NKUA on World Poetry Day, Thursday, 21 March 2024, was a great success. For twelve hours (10:00-22:00), representative works from the inexhaustible treasure of the Greek…

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