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Participation of Assistant Professor Dimitris Gouscos of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the UN ESCWA presentation/study

Dimitris Gouscos, Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of NKUA, delivered a study and presentation in an Expert Group Meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA) on “Technology and innovation for Arab…

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Professor George Stergiou of the NKUA’s School of Medicine elected President of the International Society of Hypertension

Professor George Stergiou, chairman of the Hypertension Center STRIDE-7 at the Third Department of Medicine of the NKUA’s School of Medicine at “Sotiria” Hospital was elected as the next President of the International Society of Hypertension – See ISH March 2024 e-Bulletin.…

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New publication of an English language textbook for the NKUA’s School of Medicine entitled ‘Mastering Endovascular Techniques. Tips and Tricks in Endovascular Surgery’

‘Mastering Endovascular Techniques. Tips and Tricks in Endovascular Surgery’, the English language textbook for the NKUA’s School of Medicine, is scheduled to be released by prestigious worldwide publisher Springer, London, next month. This publication will be the primary resource for students enrolled…

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The first worldwide clinical trial of a regenerative drug for hearing, with the participation of the 1st Otolaryngology Department of the NKUA at the Hippocration Hospital of Athens, has been completed

The REGAIN clinical trial, the results of which were recently published in Nature Communications (full publication here), is the first clinical trial aiming at the regeneration of cochlear hair cells in patients with mild and moderate sensorineural hearing loss by intratympanic injection…

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A visit to the NKUA’s School of Theology by faculty members and students at Georg August University of Göttingen

On Monday, 11 March 2024, the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) welcomed through its Chair, Professor Dimitrios Moschos, and the faculty member at the same Department, Professor Christos Karakolis, a group of thirteen students from the…

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BRIDGES: Extended Reality in Real-World Firefighters’ Training and Cultural Applications with the participation of NKUA

In a journey spanning three years of dedicated work, scientific dissemination via article and presentations at conferences, and numerous pilot evaluations, the research project titled “A hyBRID (physical-diGital) multi-user Extended reality platform as a stimulus for industry uptake of interactive technologieS -…

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Participation of the Assistant Professor of NKUA Anthoula Papageorgiou in the article “Heritage dye for innovative materials” in Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Indigo is a dye that has been extracted from plants for millennia; it is the dye that makes blue jeans blue. An international team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich (Germany), the University of Suzhou (China), the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre…

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NKUA: International distinction for the School of Law – Qualification for the International Rounds of Price Media Law Moot Court Competition

The NKUA’s School of Law team that represented Greece in the 2023 European Rounds of the International Moot Court Competition in Media and Information Law ‘Price Media Law Moot Court Competition’ (Paris, France, 31 January - 2 February 2024) advanced through the…

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Study UK Alumni Awards 2024

Distinction of Assistant Professor at NKUA, Archimandrite Fr Aristarchos Gkrekas, in Study UK Alumni Awards 2024

The British Council’s Study UK Alumni Awards 2024 selected Archimandrite Fr Aristarchos Gkrekas, an Assistant Professor at NKUA and clergyman in the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, as a finalist for the Social Action Award. This selection represents a significant international distinction for…

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