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The Hegelpd-Prize 2023 Special Mention Award to Assistant Professor of NKUA, Dr Ioannis Trisokkas

Assistant Professor at the NKUA’s Department of Philosophy, Dr Ioannis Trisokkas, won the Hegelpd-Prize 2023 Special Mention Award for his article ‘The Stubbornness of Nature in Art: A Reading of §§556, 558 and 560 of Hegel’s Encyclopedia’ (In S. Stein και J. Wretzel [eds.], Hegel’s…

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Inauguration of the first operational astronomical clock based on studies by scholars from NKUA and University of Sonora on the Antikythera Mechanism

Monumental Antikythera Mechanism for Hermosillo (MAMH) research team, organized the Inauguration and Commissioning Ceremony of MAMH, on February 8th at 8:30pm Greek time. The opening ceremony was performed by Dr. Alfonso Durazo Montaño, Governor of Sonora and Dr. Maria Rita Plancarte Martines,…

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book demetzos et al

“Functional Materials in Biomedical Applications (1st ed.)” | Εditing by Professor Costas Demetzos, Assistant Professor Natassa Pippa, and Post-Doctoral Researcher Dr. Nikolaos Naziris in NKUA

A new multi-authored book is edited by Professor of Pharmaceutical Nano-Technology Costas Demetzos, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology Natassa Pippa, and Post-Doctoral Researcher Dr. Nikolaos Naziris in the Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The book is entitled “Functional Materials…

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“From Current to Future Trends in Pharmaceutical Technology” | Εditing by Assistant Professor Natassa Pippa, Professor Costas Demetzos, and Post-Doctoral Researcher Dr. Maria Chountoulesi

A new multi-authored book is edited by Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology Natassa Pippa,Professor of Pharmaceutical Nano-Technology Costas Demetzos, and Post-Doctoral Researcher Dr. Maria Chountoulesi in the Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The book is entitled “From Current…

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The Legislative Process and Regulatory Interventions in the Greek Democracy: Deep-Rooted Weaknesses and Recommendations for Improvement | Article by the Emeritus Professor of NKUA P. Petrakis in Statute Law Review

On January 30, 2024, an article by the Emeritus Professor of Economics of the Department of Economic Sciences of the NKUA, Mr. Panagiotis E. Petrakis, entitled "The Legislative Process and Regulatory Interventions in the Greek Democracy: Deep-Rooted Weaknesses and Recommendations for Improvement"…

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NKUA: Participation of Space Physics Group and Professor Ioannis Daglis in a European research project on Space Safety

Last week, the Progress Review of the European research project FARBES (Forecast of Actionable Radiation Belt Scenarios - was conducted successfully. FARBES is funded through Horizon Europe and pertains to space safety. NKUA participates as partner of the consortium implementing the…

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