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Participation of Professor of NKUA D. Panagiotopoulos in the International Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations”

Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos, Professor of the University of Athens and Supreme Court Lawyer and Counsel of State, participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal support of national sovereign interests in cross-border economic relations” which took place in Moscow on November…

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Another international distinction for the NKUA’s School of Law – Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot 2023

The Department of International Studies of the NKUA’s School of Law is particularly pleased to announce that a team of undergraduate students recently placed first in the world for their written memorial for claimant, earning the corresponding award (Best Memorial for Claimant),…

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The NKUA School of Law placed third in the world in the European Law Moot Court Competition 2022-2023 – Our student acting as Advocate General finished in second place worldwide

A team of undergraduate students from the School of Law of NKUA achieved notable distinction in the Final of the European Law Moot Court Competition 2022-2023, which took place in Luxembourg from 20 to 21 April before the Judges of the Court…

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The NKUA School of Law team won the All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition 2022

This year, our team competed, for the first time, in the All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition, and, after a challenging and thrilling final round against Sofia University ‘St Kliment Ohridski’, was declared the winner by a unanimous decision!

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